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to the s*he\ter website!

We appreciate your interest in our project and kindly invite you to navigate this website for further information on our project.

What makes me feel good? And how can I exchange ideas with people who have experienced similar things as I have? Answering these and similar questions is the objective we intend to accomplish with our research project.

We are a team of researchers from different disciplines. Our aim is to develop new and innovative support and networking services with you. These services are supposed to be aligned with your needs and to incorporate your strategies of empowerment.

The s*he\ter project follows a participatory model with participants and researchers working together as equal partners.

Are you interested to participate? Click here to find out more.

The project

How can you participate?

You are at least 18 years old.
You have experienced sexualized violence in your childhood.
You have the desire to design and implement new ideas together.

Many people who have been affected by sexualized violence want to be involved in the design of counseling and support services. They would like to share their ideas and experiences.

For the time being, too little attention is paid to these findings in practice. This is where the s*he\ter research project of Hochschule Mannheim University of Applied Sciences comes in. In this project, researchers are working with people who have experienced sexualized violence to test and develop new and interactive forms of

personal expression
guidance and encounter

Depending on the interests of the participants, virtual formats will also be tested. These could include chat rooms, virtual art galleries or specifically developed digital game applications.

The project is located in Mannheim. However, only virtual participation is also possible at any time.

Our claim

The s*he\ter project works with different creative methods to express a variety of ideas. We would like to further develop these methods progressively with you as our research partners. Our objective is to find out

what is helpful to you and other people who have experienced sexualized violence
what has a positive impact on your well-being.

We also hope that our project will make the perspective of those affected more visible in the current discussion about sexualized violence and will promote their networking.

Research, practical knowledge and personal experience

s*he\ter sees itself as a transdisciplinary research project. This means that we are interested in bringing together different viewpoints:

findings from various scientific disciplines
perspectives of practitioners
and, most importantly, the experiences and perspectives of people who have experienced sexualized violence themselves

Researchers from the disciplines of social work, computer science, media science and design studies are involved in the project. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Your participation

You are warmly invited to participate in the s*he\ter project

if you have experienced sexualized violence in your childhood
if you are at least 18 years old
if you feel like working out ideas with a group in a confidential setting
if you want to share not only your ideas and wishes, but also your critical view

You can participate no matter where you are. You do not have to live in Mannheim. Please contact us if you want to know more.

Key feature: voluntary nature of the project

It is important for us to make participation in our project easily accessible and involve those who are affected. Therefore, the following applies: Everything is voluntary, and you can end your participation at any time.

It is not a requirement for your participation in the s*he\ter project that you tell us about your experience. You can always decide what you want to share and what feels comfortable for you to contribute.

We develop and discuss all content with the participants. A result of working with this method is the content and layout of this website that was also created with the participants.

If you want to learn more about how we organize the meetings, click project structure.

Confidentiality matters

We ensure you that we will work together in a confidential setting. It is important to us to offer all participants and their experiences safe spaces. The address of the room is secret. The virtual meetings with the open source software Jitsi Meet are hosted on our own server. We work with a safety concept that is constantly enhanced.

It goes without saying that we comply with the statutory data protection regulations. We are in close contact with our data protection officer to ensure that data protection requirements are fulfilled during project development.

If you have any questions or need more information, including information on our data protection concept, we are happy to help. Simply contact us by phone or e-mail.

Project structure Asset 4

Now, we would like to explain more precisely how the project is structured and how you can participate.

It is important for us to emphasize that you can end your participation at any time, and you are not required to talk about your experiences.

The group of participants consists of a maximum of twelve people. We also work in small groups, depending on the topics of interest.

Regular meetings of the participants and the project staff will take place in a confidential setting.
We will usually meet in Mannheim in a safe, barrier-free room with retreat possibilities. Only the participants will know the address.
It goes without saying that your travel expenses will be reimbursed.
Only virtual participation is also possible. We guarantee that data safety requirements are met.
The participants also meet regularly and reflect on the content of the meetings with the project staff, work on different topics and discuss their own wishes.

Optional Interview

s*he\ter is about drafting and practically implementing new ideas for the design of counseling and support services in an open and creative process. This is how we contribute to improving existing social work practice.

On our path towards improvement, it is helpful to learn what has had or would have had a positive impact on your well-being and self-concept. If you are interested, we would like to ask you about this in an interview in an informal, relaxed setting. It goes without saying, that taking part in the interview is not a requirement for your participation in the project.

Are you interested?

Contact us
Contact us now without obligation

Our team

The s*he\ter project is supervised and managed by researchers from the Hochschule Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. The researchers belong to different disciplines reaching from social work, computer science, media science to design studies.

Besides German, we also speak:
English, Spanish and Russian.

Contact Asset 3

Would you like to learn more about the s*he\ter project and participate in it? 

Just send us your name and phone number via e-mail or leave a message on the answering machine. We will get back to you.

We look forward to working with you!

Contact the project team:
0621 – 44016993

Flyer Download

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